Friday, March 26, 2010

Must be a sign

I am not usually very superstitious, but last night I think we got a sign that moving out of our current house was the right decision. My wife and I were working on packing up more things when we heard a loud crash. We looked outside and saw a bunch of siding laying against our house. We figured it was the neighbors since they had just stripped all of the siding off of their house. Soon we realized that it was the color of our house and had to be part of our house. Yes that is right part of our house fell down last night.

I figured that it had to be from where we had ripped up the deck and must of knocked something loose, but it wasn't. The siding that fell off was basically the top half of the back of our house. Meaning it would have happened no matter what. It is strange how things work out. Here we are working on moving out of the house that I have lived in for 25 years and of all times for that siding to fall off it happens now. It is almost like the house knows what is coming and has decided to give up the fight of staying together.

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