Friday, March 5, 2010

Got a closing date

Last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful. More of the typical runaround and straightening out things that were incorrect in the first place. We had finally got the permit from the health department. It was held up by the planning and building department, something about an incorrect address. All I know is it took 2 days to get taken care of. I sent the permit to the bank and thought that was the last thing we needed to get closed.

Got a call from the bank, they needed a letter stating why my wife's income was lower last year, copy of last paycheck, and copy of current teaching contract. We had already discussed that she was on maternity leave for a portion of last year and I had given them a copies of the last 4 paycheck stubs when we started this process, but if this will get it done then that is pretty minor.

I got my wife's information to the bank and low and behold now they need a shared drive maintenance agreement that everyone that lives along the drive sign. I typed this up and had my mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law sign it. I have sent this to them and hope that it is the last thing they need.

From the builder, he says he is getting the subcontractors lined up and getting ready to have the drive cut in. The drive should get cut in next week. He also called yesterday and was talking to the window people and wanted to know what color we wanted. He wanted to order the windows. I told we would have together this weekend and finalize the window styles and colors.

The bank called this morning and we finally have a closing date. We will be closing this Tuesday at 4:00. We will be paying my in-laws for our 5 acre lot and our closing costs. Not sure what the closing costs are at this point. The money for our land will be considered part of our down payment on our construction loan. We will putting 15% down on the construction loan and then bumping it to 20% on the final closing on the house to avoid mortgage insurance.

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