Friday, March 19, 2010

Perimeter Drain's In

Since the last post the basement crew has been hard at work. They got the footers poured on Tuesday, and the perimeter drain installed yesterday. Today I am hoping that they have gotten the forms set up to pour the basement walls.

The builder stopped by today and showed me where the electric box and meter would be installed in the house. Also we have a form from our electric utility that we have to sign and have notarized giving them 5 feet on either side of the drive. That we if there is a problem they can get a truck back to repair it without liability of damaging our property.

The builder also said they were hoping to get the basement walls poured tomorrow. If that happens then the concrete crew will be able to pour the basement floor and garage slab in the middle of next week. Also we had gravel poured over the perimeter drain yesterday. That has to be inspected to make sure the proper amount was used. We are supposed to get some colder weather at the beginning of the week. So he wants to give the concrete 4-5 days to cure before backfilling against it.

Our builder is going to be on vacation the first week in April and so this timing should work out about right. When he gets back they should be ready to start framing the house. He said the only thing he thinks he will need to get done while he is gone is maybe have the well drilled. He was going to contact the well people.

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