Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Health Department

Since the last post I have talked to the bank and we can not close on the loan until they get the okay from the health department stating the well and septic are going to work. This is kind of funny since the health department would not look at the property until we proved we owned the land. I don't know what we would have done if we were not buying the property from my in-laws and were able to do the quick deed.

On Monday I went to the recorders office and got a copy of the deed and took it down to the health department, also made copies to hang on to in case anyone else needs them. I then called the builder and let him know that I had taken a copy of the deed down to the health department. He was going to go down and see if he could speed up the process. Originally they had said it would take 5 to 7 days.

Yesterday the builder stopped by and got a copy of the deed to take to try to get the building permits started.

One good thing coming out of this is that I talked to my father-in-law about not paying for the land until the fist construction draw and he is okay with this. Hopefully that will save us a month's interest payment. I will have to run it by our banker to make sure this can happen, but I don't see why it wouldn't since the deed is already in our name.

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