Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tall Garage

Since Monday the framing crew has been cruising right along on the house. It is really starting to take shape. We can now see where all of the rooms. They also got the garage framed, started on the bonus room, started on the roof, and started putting the outside sheeting on.

The crew has moved the fireplace so it is now centered in the great room, it looks much better now. They still need to fix the closet in the half bath, and we noticed a mistake in the master bath on how they framed the shower. They will need to fix that as well.

I am now really excited that the garage is framed. It is huge!! Or at least it is very tall which makes it seem very large. The ceiling must be about 14 feet high. They had to keep the ceiling even with the first floor and since the house floor level is so much higher than the garage it has made for a tall garage. I have been kidding Carey that we could put a car lift in it.

We are also getting into the stage of the house build where we are having to pick things out. We went and picked out our fireplace insert and log set on Tuesday evening. It wasn't quite as exciting as I thought it might be. The logs we are getting are going to look much better than what we have now, but still not as real looking as what I was hoping for. It isn't really the logs so much as the insert. I was hoping that we wouldn't really have an insert but more of a real fireplace. We picked one that we could cover the face with the stone that we are using for the fireplace, that way it won't be as noticeable.

Here are some photos of the progress.

View off of front porch.

More photos from Tuesday

Photos from Wednesday. Roof started and bump-out in bonus room framed.

View out bonus room window.

1 comment:

  1. John & Carey, I can't believe how fast this is moving along! June will be here before you know it. House is lookig great.
    Tall garage makes hanging things(like bikes) from the ceiling nice.
