Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Framing Almost Finished

The framing of the house is almost finished. Since last week the framers have gotten most of the details done that were yet to be completed. It looks like they have a little more siding to put up still. I would imagine that they will finish it today and if not today then definitely tomorrow.

With the framing finished it is now time to start painting. I have taken the responsibility of completing this portion of the job myself. I am trying to get the eaves painted by the beginning of next week before the roofers start. This is would have been easier if we had not just got a bunch of rain. I am afraid to drive the bucket truck in the mud because it might get stuck. Last night I started caulking everything. Hopefully tonight I get a lot more of the caulking done. Then maybe I can paint the eaves on Thursday. I think that it is supposed to rain Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Just my luck.

Here are some photos of the progress

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