Monday, April 12, 2010

Still Framing

Friday and Saturday the framing crew continued to work on the house. They made good progress and we can really see what the layout is going to look like. The first floor is now all framed other than the garage. Here are some photos from the weekend.

Here is a photo of my nephew and Garrett standing outside what will be the basement doors.

Here are pictures of the boys in their bedrooms.

A few more photos.

Our builder has told us that we should be in by June 15th. So we are looking for the next two months to go by quick. He told us we need to plan on painting the outside in 2 weeks. It is hard to believe that the outside will be ready to paint in 2 weeks.

We did notice a couple of things looking at the framing though. One was that our fireplace is not centered in the in the front room. The other is that there is a dead space about 3' by 4' in the half bath next to the closet. I have talked to the builder about both and they will be fixed. The fireplace was not supposed to be framed until after we picked out the log set. The space in the half bath will be added to the closet space and a pocket door inserted.

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