Friday, February 19, 2010

Quick Claim Deed

Yesterday afternoon my builder called and wanted me to call the health department about getting a permit to make sure the septic and well were going to be sufficient. I called the health department they need a paper that states the property is in deed ours. Uh oh, the property is not technically ours at this time. It won't be ours until we close on the loan.

I called my banker to see what was going on with the loan. She informed me that it had been sent on to be processed. She looked it up and nothing had been done with it yet. She was going to send an email to see if she could not speed up the process.

I called my builder to let them know what was going on. He informed me that we should just do a quick deed to put the property in our name. I call the title company to find out what is involved in this process. Turns out it is fairly simple, there is a form that my in-laws need to fill out and sign and we need to sign and it has to then be notarized. All of this and a $125.00 fee. Which I don't consider to be that bad. They said we will just pay for it at the closing and the original fee for transferring the deed was going to be $75.00. So it really is only costing $50.00. We got the form yesterday afternoon and my wife and I have signed it. My in-laws are going to take it back to the title company and sign and have it notarized.

The builder also told us that the first color that he needs to know is for the windows. I think that we have this picked out, but will try to make sure this weekend.

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