Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exterior Painting Continued

Well, we fell a little short of our goal of having all of the outside painting done by the end of the weekend. However we did do a pretty good job, and boy was it hot out there painting this weekend. We got everything painted other than touching up the white trim. I am working on trying to get that done by the end of this week.

We are coming up on a 3 day weekend and hoping to get quite a bit of work done on the house. My builder says that the drywallers will be done on Thursday and the trim work guys want to start on Sunday. That gives us a little time to get a lot of work done. We will need to mask off everything inside and spray all of the walls with primer and back roll them. Then we will need to paint all of the ceilings. Not to mention we need to get all of the trim for the house stained as well. This all has to happen Friday and Saturday. The good thing is that if this does all happen Friday and Saturday, then Sunday and Monday should be relatively relaxing days.

Here are some pictures of the progress.

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