Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exterior Painting Continued

Well, we fell a little short of our goal of having all of the outside painting done by the end of the weekend. However we did do a pretty good job, and boy was it hot out there painting this weekend. We got everything painted other than touching up the white trim. I am working on trying to get that done by the end of this week.

We are coming up on a 3 day weekend and hoping to get quite a bit of work done on the house. My builder says that the drywallers will be done on Thursday and the trim work guys want to start on Sunday. That gives us a little time to get a lot of work done. We will need to mask off everything inside and spray all of the walls with primer and back roll them. Then we will need to paint all of the ceilings. Not to mention we need to get all of the trim for the house stained as well. This all has to happen Friday and Saturday. The good thing is that if this does all happen Friday and Saturday, then Sunday and Monday should be relatively relaxing days.

Here are some pictures of the progress.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Painting Exterior

Well, we have been very busy for the last week. We have gotten a lot of the outside of the house painted. It has been a difficult task because the weather has not been very good. I have to thank everyone who came out and helped paint this weekend, it made a big difference. Of coarse it is suppose to rain all this week as well. Hopefully they are wrong and we will get a couple of nice days. I am hoping to have all of the exterior painting done by the end of this weekend.

They have got all of the insulating done inside the house. They blew in a foam insulation to make it air tight and then went over it with batting insulation. The R value is supposed to be everybit as good as if we had 2x6 construction done.

I was out at the house today and the drywall had been dropped off. Our builder said that the drywall will all be hung by the end of the week and be finished by the end of next week. Hopefully the weather dries out a little so the drywall mudd will dry. Also, today the geothermal lines were being dug.

Here are some photos of the progress.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Eves Are Painted

The Last week has been very, very busy. The framers finished up towards the beginning of last week. Then it was my turn to start on the painting. Since I signed on to do that part. It took the rest of the week to get the caulking done. I was sure glad to get that done and especially happy for the help I had. Thank you Dad, Grand Pa, and Steve for all of your help.

Once the caulking was done it was time to start the painting. Our first objective is to get the eves, soffits, and gutterboards painted so the roofers can get started on installing the shingles. Of coarse it rained all last weekend, preventing me from getting any painting done. The roofers were supposed to start on Monday, we put them off 3 days, so now they will start on Wednesday or Thursday.

Last night We finished up spraying the eves, soffits, and gutterboards. It sure goes a lot faster than the caulking and having the airless sprayer is a big help as well as the bucket truck.

Also the electricians have started on the house and will probably be done by the end of the week. The septic has been put in. The well was drilled, they said we had a great well, enough water for the whole neighborhood. I think he said he drilled about 100 feet down.

Here are some photos of the progress.

Here is Griff stuck in the mud.

Here is dad painting the dormer over the garage. The picture does not really do it justice. That roof is pretty darn steep.