Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Basement walls poured

On Monday this week they got the walls poured into the forms. It was a pretty nasty day for pouring concrete, but I am glad that they got it done. We were a little disappointed on Saturday when they did not get the walls poured. I talked to my builder yesterday and told them I bet they wished they poured them on Saturday when the weather was nice versus Monday when it was rainy and cold. He told me that the concrete plant would not open on Saturday. We were the only job scheduled and they wouldn't open for just one job. Here are some photos of the walls once the forms were taken off.

This did not all go with out any draw backs though. Since we had the rain over the weekend we have been having an issue with the heavy trucks sinking in the new driveway. The stone that we had put down is pretty much nonexistent at this point. I think this is pretty typical though. The builder is trying to wait until all of the concrete is poured before dumping anymore stone on the drive. Here is what the new drive looks like now.

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